Friday, December 12, 2008

Biomedical Experts-Novel Social Networking Site For Biomedical Scientists

This resource is new in the block. It is the equivalent of ‘my space’-the popular social networking sites for high flying internet users.
The power to connect with global collaborators, browse over I million experts profile is the high point of this resource driven site.
Biomedical experts give leveraging opportunities for biomedical scientists who can now network among themselves and collaborate on research work irrespective of their location world wide.

With its debut in April 2008, biomedical experts avail scientists in the life sciences profile and explore scientific expert network.
Biomedical experts bring the right researchers together and allow them to grow their professional network. The site prides itself as the first literature –based social networking platform for the life-science research community.
With biomedical experts, biomedical researchers connects to each other through the display and analysis of co-authors with whom each investigator works to publish scientific papers.
According to the owners of the site, ‘The comprehensive system of pre-populated expert profiles, coupled with the ability to analyze all associated professional connections within the co-author network, allows scientists and researchers across organizations the ability to share data and collaborate in ways never before considered.’.

Experts are from over 1,800 institutions in more than 137 countries.
Profiles are generated from 11 million publications in more than 6,500 journals.
You now have the opportunity as a biomedical professional or expert to connect, communicate and collaborate with the experts in your field globally.
The major benefits of users is the power of profiting from the multiple brains brought together.

Other benefits include:
· Analysing expert profiles of more than 1.4 million scientists.

· Exploring your personal network starting with your direct co-authors and moving on to the co-authors of your co-authors

· Identifying reserchers with the expertise you need in your broader network through easy-to-use search interface

· Cultivate and grow your profesional network

· Connect with other researchers whom you have identified via BME.

Currently, the network consist of more than 60,000 experts. There is no charge for joining as sign up in free. However, while the network is free for all, it is most beneficial to researchers who actively publish in biomedical journals.
The site is powered by collexis, a highly reputable firm with more than ten years experience in powerful knowledge discovery solutions and text miming applications with World Health Organisation and Mayo Clinic as clients among numerous others.

Prospective users are required to painstakingly read the user agreement before joining. It is mandatory for you to abide by the user agreement once you consent to it.

The site’s url is

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