Friday, February 27, 2009

Free Medical Journals

Have you ever tried to download a very important information on the internet only to discover to your surprise that you have to pay for the article for you to have access to it?
Some organisations and professionals believe that such information should be free. Anyway if that is not possible now, the future points to that. There is a powerful mobilisation going on to ensure that medical journals in all fields are free.
Meanwhile, it is my pleasure to introduce to you journals in the medical field you can enjoy for free.

The categories are:
1. Journals released for free

2. Free medical journals 1 to 6 months after publication

3. Free medical journals 1 year after publication

4. Free medical journals 2 years after publication.

Free On Publication

1. A cancer Journal For Clinicians-

2. The Journal of Clinical Investigation-

3. Nucleic Acid Research-

4. Biochemical Journal-

5. Emerging Infectious Diseases-

6. Journal of community Nursing-

Free 1 to 6 Months After Publication
1. New England Journal Of Medicine-

2. Diabetes (Free after 3 months)-

3. Molecular Biology of The Cell (Free after 2 months)-

4. Journal of Virology-

5. Journal of Clinical Microbiology-

6. Journal of Bacteriology-

7. Antimicrobial agents and Chemotherapy-

8. Diabetes Care-

Free 1 Year After Publication

1. British Medical Journal-

2. Molecular Pharmacology-

3. Laboratory Investigation-

4 Journal of Infectious Diseases-

5. Endocrinology-

Free 2 Years After Publication

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